National Advisory Council on Children’s Legal Representation

The National Advisory Council on Children’s Legal Representation (NACCLR) guides NACC’s work.

The National Advisory Council on Children’s Legal Representation guides NACC’s work. Members of the Advisory Council are young professionals with lived expertise in the child welfare system.  They advise the Board of Directors, provide guidance to staff, and help the organization pursue its mission.  

NACC believes the perspectives of people with lived experience in unjust systems should be central in reform efforts. People without personal experience lack the insight of someone who has navigated the child welfare system. Lived experience experts see what others cannot. The field should always authentically, intentionally, and thoughtfully engage lived experience experts when pursuing justice, equity, and systems change.

The Advisory Council helps NACC center the perspectives and priorities of people with lived experience and stay true to our values of inclusion, justice, and empowerment.  

National Advisory Council Members

Lived Expertise in The Guardian

Lived experience experts publish articles in NACC’s law journal, The Guardian, to share their
stories and recommendations for an improved system.

Learn More

Contact Cristal Ramirez, MS, NACC Youth Engagement Manager for more information on the National Advisory Council on Children’s Legal Representation or on how to authentically engage youth.