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NACC Organizational Memberships

Renew your organizational membership before the month of February is over to receive 25% off tiered pricing, as well as a complimentary Red Book. Submit your renewal form to [email protected] to receive a discount from the listed price.

NACC’s organizational memberships provide resources and support to child and family law offices, CASAs, law schools, courts, and other agencies and organizations across the country that serve children and families. From small teams to large practices, to pro bono networks and more, NACC serves a variety of organizations interested in child welfare law, practice, and policy.

Organizational Membership Details

Organizational membership rates are determined by the number of intended users in your office or unit who are not Child Welfare Law Specialists or students. (NACC Child Welfare Law Specialists and students already receive a complimentary NACC membership.)

Organizations are defined as a single office or unit dedicated to child and family practice or policy. For example, the Juvenile Rights Practice housed within the Legal Aid Society qualifies as an organizational member, not the entire Legal Aid Society. Likewise, for statewide representation systems, organizational memberships apply to the specific unit providing child welfare representation. In this example, the Office of the Law Guardian housed within the Office of the Public Defender qualifies as an organizational member, not the entire Public Defender system. The total number of users should include pro bono attorneys intended to have access to organizational membership benefits.

Once your organization is registered, your group administrator will receive an email and link with instructions to manage your organizational membership and invite your team members to register their individual profile in NACC’s membership portal. Once registered, your staff will have instant access to their benefits for the term of the organizational membership. Group administrators may add/subtract team members alongside staffing changes. NACC provides an Organizational Membership Handbook to your group administrator and our staff is available to support your team’s enrollment and benefits access.

The Advocate monthly newsletter
The Guardian quarterly law journal
Members-only Webinars (live monthly, web access to recordings)
Access to NACC Listserv
Discount on NACC national conference registration
Discount on Red Book Training Course (online) and live Red Book Trainings
Discount on Child Welfre Law Specialist (CWLS) application fee
Discount on Child Welfare Law and Practice (aka The Red Book)
Small (up to 10 users)$625
Medium (11 to 25 users)$1,600
Medium–Large (26 to 50 users)$3,125
Large (51 to 99 users)$6,250
Extra Large (100 or more users$10,000

NACC Membership

Promote Excellence

NACC provides programs and resources that improve the quality of legal representation for children, parents and agencies.

Builds Community

NACC supports a national community of hard-working and dedicated child welfare professionals and helps attract diverse talent to the children’s legal advocacy profession.

Advances Justice

NACC advocates for policies that advance children’s rights, opportunities, and well-being, including the right to counsel.

Individual Memberships

NACC provides attorneys, advocates, and professionals who work in the child welfare system training and support to pursue justice alongside children and families. NACC membership gives you access to resources, services, and discounts, and may qualify as a tax deduction as a business expense or charitable contribution (see your tax advisor for more information).