NACC Joined Sign-On Letters
NACC signaled support for the Child Tax Credit by signing onto a letter sent to the Ways and Means Republican 2025 Tax Team.
NACC joined a sign-on letter to the Senate Finance Committee to express support for the bipartisan Protecting America’s Children by Strengthening Families Act.
NACC signed onto a letter sent to the Senate Finance Committee in support of the Recruiting Families Using Data Act.
NACC joined a sign-on letter to Senator Cornyn and Senator Ossoff, the bipartisan co-sponsors of the Foster Care Placement Transparency Act, to highlight concerns about hidden foster care and signal support for the Act.
Advocacy Letter
NACC submitted comments to the Bureau of Justice Statistics regarding the proposed information collection tool for the Department of Justice’s Census of Public Defender Offices. NACC recommended modest additions to the tool.