2025 Conference – Online
November 12 - November 14
$500.00NACC’s annual conference brings together professionals from child welfare law and intersecting fields to further NACC’s mission and exchange ideas, information, and collective efforts.
The theme of this year’s conference is Catalysts for Change: Innovating Advocacy through Power Sharing and Transformational Leadership. The theme underscores the need to rethink traditional advocacy models, actively share power, and harness the creativity and resourcefulness of all involved in child welfare systems to drive lasting, meaningful practice and policy reform. We hope you’ll join us to connect with peers, learn, and consider new ways to advocate for justice for children and families.
This registration is only for NACC’s November 2025 online conference.
NACC Members: Make sure you are logged in before registering to get your member discount.
If you would like to register a group or have questions, please contact: [email protected]. Please review NACC’s conference refund policy before registering.
Stay tuned for a preview of the program and presenters.