Advancing Equity in Legal Representation: Culturally Humble Representation & Actively Challenging Inequitable Treatment—Materials

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Advancing Equity in Legal Representation: Culturally Humble Representation & Actively Challenging Inequitable Treatment–Recording

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NACC’s Child Welfare Law Year in Review: 2023—Recording

NACC’s Child Welfare Law Year in Review: 2023—Materials

Children’s Law Office Guidebook, 2nd Edition

Best Practice Guidelines for Organizational Legal Representation of Children in Neglect, Abuse, and Dependency Cases

Children’s Justice

Transforming Child Welfare: Prioritizing Prevention, Racial Equity, and Advancing Child and Family Well-Being

Achieving Racial Equity: Child Welfare Policy Strategies to Improve Outcomes for Children of Color  

Seen, Heard, and Represented: A Policymaker’s Guide to Counsel for Kids

Framework for Evaluating Reformist Reforms vs. Abolitionist Steps to End the Family Policing System