NACC Store

Seen, Heard, and Represented: A Policymaker’s Guide to Counsel for Kids


The Counsel for Kids guide highlights five top priorities for policymakers and includes model legislation for legislators to adopt in their state. It also describes untapped and underutilized funding, such as federal title IV-E dollars, to provide counsel for kids and details how investing in justice for children can save taxpayer’s money.

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As states grapple with the unfulfilled promise of justice for all, NACC releases the first comprehensive, state-level guide for policymakers to address the lack of legal representation for children in child protection court proceedings. Seen, Heard, and Represented: A Policymaker’s Guide to Counsel for Kids explains why kids need high-quality attorneys and provides a blueprint for legislators to develop excellent children’s legal representation systems and strengthen state policy.

This store item is a physical copy. NACC also offers a free, downloadable PDF of Seen, Heard, and Represented: A Policymaker’s Guide to Counsel for Kids.


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