38th National Child Welfare Law Conference
2015: Promoting Excellence, Building Community, Advancing Justice.
August 25–27, 2015 in Monterey, CA
Opening Plenary: 100 Years/100 Tips: Great Moments Giving Rise to Great Tips
Frank P. Cervone, Executive Director, Support Center for Child Advocates
Tony DeMarco, Founder, Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts, Lynn MA and Clinical Instructor, Boston College School of Law
Robert L. Listenbee, Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington DC and former Chief, Juvenile Unit, Defender Association of Philadelphia
Shari Shink, Founder, Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center
Annual Luncheon Featuring Keynote Speake Xavier McElrath-Bey
When Xavier was 13 years old he was arrested, charged and later convicted to serve 25 years in prison for his involvement in a gang-related first degree murder. After 13 years in prison he came out with a remorseful heart, a bachelor degree in Social Science from Roosevelt University and a mission to advocate for poor, disadvantaged and at-risk youth. Today, Xavier is a Youth Justice Advocate with the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth. He speaks nationwide to heads of organizations, government officials, legislators, juvenile justice practitioners and other stakeholders about the importance of age-appropriate and trauma-informed alternatives to the extreme sentencing of America’s youth. He is a co-founder of the Incarcerated Children’s Advocacy Network (ICAN), a national network of formerly incarcerated youth who are committed to creating a fairer and humane justice system for all children.
Closing Plenary: Systemic Child Advocacy Roundup
Kendall Marlowe, Executive Director, NACC
Ira Lustbader, Litigation Director, Children’s Rights
Lourdes Rosado, Associate Director, Juvenile Law Center
Casey Trupin, Coordinating Attorney, Children and Youth Project, Columbia Legal Services
Leecia Welch, Senior Attorney, National Center for Youth Law
View the program from this conference as a PDF.
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