Your Case, Your Rights: Your Guide to Exercising Self-Advocacy

Humility as an Act of Compassion – Recording

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Humility as an Act of Compassion – Materials

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Advancing Equity in Legal Representation: Culturally Humble Representation & Actively Challenging Inequitable Treatment—Materials

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Advancing Equity in Legal Representation: Culturally Humble Representation & Actively Challenging Inequitable Treatment–Recording

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Your Feelings Make Sense: Using Validation to Build Client Rapport and Improve Interview Outcomes—Materials

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Your Feelings Make Sense: Using Validation to Build Client Rapport and Improve Interview Outcomes—Recording

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Resources to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being Amid Anti-Black Racism, Racial Violence, and Trauma

Legal Assistance to Kinship Caregivers—Recording

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Legal Assistance to Kinship Caregivers—Materials

This content is only available to members.