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December Policy Updates

Wednesday December 7, 2022

Counsel for Kids: CBS 12 News Features Florida Advocate

“The one thing I kept requesting was a lawyer for my kids,” said lived experience advocate and parent Shakema Glover, discussing her family’s experience and the need to improve the Florida child welfare system. Watch the full video.

Oral Arguments in Haaland v Brackeen 

On November 9, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of Haaland v Brackeen, which could determine the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act. NACC, Public Counsel, and 30 children’s rights organizations filed an amicus brief urging the court to uphold ICWA. 

NACC Supports Federal and State Legislation for Children and Families

NACC signed letters urging Congress to improve educational outcomes for youth experiencing foster care, prioritize tax credits for children and families, fund full-service community schools, address youth trauma, improve the count of children and youth in the 2030 census, and increase funding for anti-poverty programs for children

NACC also asked Congress to support the Strengthening Tribal Families Actas well as the CAPTA Reauthorization Act and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvements Act. 

Finally, NACC urged the Illinois General Assembly to maximize revenue for legal representation for children and parents.

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